Terms and conditions for the use of the compliance form


Acceptance of terms

By using our company compliance form, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions, as well as applicable laws and regulations.


Purpose of the form

The form is provided to report compliance violations, unethical behavior, or potential legal breaches within our company. All reports will be promptly forwarded to the Legal & Compliance department for handling Code of Conduct matters who will acknowledge receipt of the report within two (2) business days.


Confidentiality and anonymity

All information submitted through the form will be treated confidentially. Anonymous reporting is permitted and encouraged, but will be implemented by Legal & Compliance Department after processing of the input. For means of obtaining more information or clarification, the provision of a contact is required.



Retaliation against individuals who report concerns is prohibited. Any retaliatory behavior will result in disciplinary action.


Reporting responsibilities and procedures

Reports should contain accurate and sufficient details to enable assessment and response. Reports will be investigated impartially, and appropriate actions will be taken based on the findings. The form does not guarantee specific resolutions. Our company will take necessary action based on investigations and applicable policies.

Upon receipt of a report through the compliance form, our company will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation of the reported concern. The investigation process may involve collecting additional information, interviewing involved parties, and taking necessary actions to resolve the matter appropriately. For the protection of the reporter, the accused and confidential business processes, no outcome of the investigation may be communicated to the reporting person.

The use of the company compliance form does not guarantee a specific outcome or resolution. Our company reserves the right to take appropriate action based on the findings of an investigation, in accordance with applicable laws and company policies.

The rules of procedure are outlined by the regarding internal VAT Guidelines on the Handling of Code of Conduct Matters.


Limitation of Liability

Our company and individuals associated with the form shall not be liable for any damages or losses arising from the use or inability to use the form.


Governing law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Switzerland. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in St. Gallen, Switzerland.