Media Release
Ad Hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
With numerous measures, such as the switch to electricity from hydropower, the installation of photovoltaic systems or even the emission-free transport of goods to customers with a hydrogen-powered truck, VAT is implementing its sustainability strategy step by step in all areas of the company. When it comes to sustainability, however, even seemingly small measures are important.
This is the case, for example, with the so-called "auxiliary parts", i.e. the small parts that are used in the form of rings, clamps or blind flanges to fix or seal the finished products during transport and until they are installed. During unpacking or installation, these "auxiliary parts" are removed. Usually, the parts then end up in the trash. What may seem insignificant with regard to a single product, leads in total to a considerable mountain of waste that could actually be avoided. This is because, although the small parts are no longer needed after the product has been put into operation, they retain their full functionality because they are not destroyed during removal. Accordingly, they are ideally suited for reuse.
This is where the "Auxiliary Parts Project" comes in, which VAT is running together with ASML, for example, the world's largest supplier of lithography systems for the semiconductor industry. The aim of the project is to strengthen sustainability and efficiency in this area with innovative solutions. In practical terms, the small parts removed during the installation of VAT products are cleaned and then sent back to VAT for reuse. Since the parts only fix or seal product components in their as-delivered state, they are also not subject to any significant wear and tear, which particularly favors reusability. A significant amount of waste is thus avoided each year.
With the "Auxiliary Parts Project", VAT is focusing on partnership-based commitment and, in implementing its sustainability strategy, is also looking at areas that can only be achieved jointly between VAT and its customers or between VAT and its suppliers. Product Manager Tommi Hakulinen puts it in a nutshell: "Responsible action starts with the little things that can add up to big things."